New York City EV Fleet Show, May 2024


This past week, Jenna Nightingale attended the New York City Fleet show with our affiliate, Tonya Lewter-Gordon with La Vie Development.

They had some exciting conversations and look forward to watching New York Charge Forward with the city’s purchasing plans.

What our EV Division offers:

  • Technical experts and consultants to find rebates, identify charging and installation solutions and work with you directly on solutions. Our proven telecommunications and public safety process has translated successfully to the EV world. We take the time upfront to hear and address your goals.

  • Site acquisition and due diligence: We provide site acquisition agents to conduct site searches and site candidate information packages (SCIP’s). We also negotiate lease or purchase agreements and can handle zoning and regulatory approvals.

  • A dedicated EV construction team responsible for upholding superior safety standards, installing EV chargers and training teams on charging functionality.

  • A dedicated EV maintenance team to support charger and charging station issues. Our team can be reached directly so you do not have to go through an automated process and can have resolution quickly.

High overview of our EV Process:

  1. Identify your goals

  2. Tailor charging station to your needs

  3. Execute permitting and regulatory

  4. Identify and apply for rebate opportunities

  5. Install the charging station(s)

  6. Train your team


Zoning, Permitting and Regulatory:

  • Proactive approach to development and tax rebates and incentives. We take the time on the front end to gather necessary intel state-by-state—the devil is in the details.

  • Zoned and permitted over 30,000 sites in over 40 states nationally since 1996.

  • Keenly aware of regulatory and environmental constraints placed on developers.

  • Pyramid recognizes the different rules and regulations nationally. 

  • NEPA, SHPO, THPO, environmental regulations are all taken into account.


Alta siteguard


Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Installation in New York